kind of the same only different

by @davidtaro · @nahlej381

Liner Notes

Back in July, @nahlej381 posted this exquisite little gem in 12/8, which I rather fell in love with ( Dirty drums, driving bass line, cute harmonics - what's not to like? So I asked him for the stems. It's taken me a while to get around to adding a top line, but here we are. Thanks for the #collab dude!

Nahlej says: I’m just so excited that Mr. Taro even knows my name!!


I built a home in my head
Where you said I was safe
Turns out it’s made of glass
Only takes one thing to shatter
Now nothing else matters
The future is in the past

It’s crazy how it falls apart
Don't take for granted
This beating heart

Now that you’re back in the game
Nothing’s the same
The pieces ain’t where you left them
Never quite sure what to think
You’re all out of sync
Something’s up with the system

Oh, it all falls apart
Don't take for granted
This beating heart

It’s kind of the same only different
It’s kind of the same only different
Only different

Just take me back to a time
Where everyone’s fine
And everything’s simple
Don’t make me grow up and learn
The kaleidoscope turns
We’re all complicated people

And it all falls apart
Don't take for granted
This beating heart


There are some familiar artist signatures that I'm hearing. I'm not gonna site 'em, I just like to hear them and take pride in knowing that I can tell when my favorite artist(s) are making something happen.
oh MAN what a collab! That is SUCH a rich and sick groove from @nahlej381, love all of the layers, and dynamics and those harmonics in the beginning are so intoxicating. I can see why @davidtaro fell in love! And it's so cool to hear @davidtaro's voice in this context. The low backing vocals on "don't take for granted" and "only different" are soooooo good, especially followed by those emotive, belting bits. Some great lyrics, too, but especially love the whole "just take me back" stanza and the "it's kind of the same" bit, as well as the "falls apart/beating heart" refrain. Stellar stuff, y'all!
This is some amazing toplining! The melodies are so ear wormy and the vocal delivery sublime. Gorgeous collaboration! I've listened a few times so it's going to be in my head all day ☺️
These lyrics really resonated with me. I love this collab, and was sorry it ended so soon. Guess I have to listen again!
This is a fabulous mosaic of musical color. That line about the kaleidoscope really hits home. Beguiling and original composition and instrumentation, now with a super cool vocal interpretation by the talented Mr. Taro.
This is as "collaborative" as collaborations come. Terrific, terrific job, you two! ❤️
Had to go back and listen to the instrumental first, which I liked a lot. This version is much edgier and has a cool raunchiness. Amazing work creating that top line and singing it so well. Love how all the levels have been boosted and have some saturation. Love the tongue-in-cheek title too and excellent lyric as well. This could be out there in the world getting lots of listens!
We had to tell him :-) I like the way the lyric sort of slides out and keeps momentum going! Really different and classy track.
Really love that @davidtaro spice. He makes EVERYTHING better…just like an instant elevation every time. Thanks for jammin dude!!!
Of course, I could do something as good as this in my sleep...IN MY DREAMS!
What a combo! I don't know how long it took to put together (at either end) but it certainly sounds like a perf prof prod...
@davidtaro 's voice is always astounding and what a joy is the 12/8 track from @nahlej381
Go guys!
A Monday morning present - a new David song! What a cool instrumental track - I can see what drew you to it. I really like the vocal phrasing and contrast with the track - how you fit between the enchanting intro and the very cool section after - great start! The vocal effects and styling - and I am sure clever mixing - make this seem like it was created by one person. Love the bridge with the title line - perfect!! It feels like a push and a pull - the way the vocals and the track interact - so ear catchy and engaging. I listened 3 times and am not done - this is amazing.
Delightfully glitchy and erratic but still super catchy. Killer bass line and distortion in just the right places. Wonderfully emotional vocal delivery. That detuned bridge bit sounds really cool. So many details in the mix to warrant several listens.
Love it when the vocals suddenly burst in - dirty to match the music - super cool! Like an old recording - it all works so well together!