The March of Time

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Time Marches On (@troubadette)
The March of Time

Liner Notes

I had an idea for another verse dealing with how some of us appear to age faster than others and some people are old when they are young and vice versa, but I didn't have time πŸ˜‰

Perhaps the song says enough in its less than two minutes, anyway, eh?

INSTRUMENT: Godin Grand Concert (Nylon strings)


(Em) Time marches (D) on and there's
(C) nothing we can do to (Em) stop it
We can't make it change its (D) course
The (C) past we can't un(Em)lock it
The (G) present is all we've (D) got
What's (C) done cannot be (Em) undone
The future is un(D)known
if there is (C) even going to (Em) be one

(Em) Time flies when you're having (D) fun
And (C) crawls without in(Em)centive
Our brains are tuned to (D) find
Things (C) new and in(Em)ventive
(G) Hours drag into (D) days
Measured in (C) tea spoons and apple (Em) pie
Boredom's an e(D)ternity
If we (C) get no stimul(Em)i

(Em) As children days are (D) long
And (C) months are even (Em) longer
But as we're getting (D) old
Time be(C)comes a scare(Em)monger
(G) Weeks shoot by like (D) days did
(C) Days become a (Em) blur
Drawing us ever (D) closer
To the (C) day we won't be (Em) there


Another great skirmish song, with some real pearls of wisdom.
And sounds like your lost Verse idea could be a good idea for another song?
Faboulous words and equally good vocal delivery and playing to balance and bring the powerful message to life. Enjoyed hearing.
Wonderful lyrics bringing together all those mixed feelings we have about time and you have expressed it so well. The comparison in the lines 'Time flies when you're having fun And crawls without incentive' is so cleverly thought out.
I love that minor key. I really, really enjoyed this. My favourite line is "Measured in teaspoons and apple pie" , but it's all great, really great.
I think this counts as a high concept, explaining how time works in different ways for different people. In any case, it makes its points well with well chosen words and a serious mood. It’s ironic, of course, to run out of time in a skirmish in which you are trying to explain the nature of time. That in itself helps to make the point.