Time Marches On

by @strumandstress

Skirmish: Time Marches On (@troubadette)

Liner Notes



There’s sixty minutes in an hour But when they’re gone they’re gone
A bud becomes a withered flower Because time marches on

And every year the seasons pass The beating of the drum
The reason that all flesh is grass Cannot be overcome

There’s such a thing as entropy A universe disordered
And yet it’s hard to disagree The past can’t be reordered

Time’s winged chariot drawing near The changing of the state
The mills of God grind slow I fear They never change their rate

And since the start of God’s great plan Transcendent and sublime
There’s nothing we can do which can Reverse the march of time


This is great. Full of brilliant lines that made me think 'I wish I'd written that!'
Sounds fab too
I like that you have interpreted the prompt both with the lyrics about time and the musical feel of a march. The lyrics on their own read like a warning, but becomes far more friendly with the music
A convincing statement of the classical view of time. Good functional melody. Good effort for a skirmish.
This is super. It ticks along like time as measured by clocks and it contains some broad views about the nature of time.

I particularly like this line;:
"The reason that all flesh is grass Cannot be overcome"

Great you get a mention of entropy in there too.

Super work, especially for a skirmish!