Let Me Sink Into My Dreams

by @tcelliott

Liner Notes

#folk #singersongwriter #acousticonetake

Just kinda came out as I picked up my guitar. Nothing new, just tried and true, but it feels right.


I don't want to wake up
Don't want to start my day
I wish I could keep dreaming
And gently float away
I could stay forever
In my underwear
Let me sink into my dreams and lose my sorrows there

I sure love this pillow
And how it comforts me
Never expects a single thing
Will always let me be
Yes, I love my pillow
Friends like that are rare
Let me sink into my dreams and lose my sorrows there

Can't forget my blanket
And how it keeps me warm
It holds me and protects me
Hides me from the storm
Yes, I love my blanket
My comforting cloth in square
Let me sink into my dreams and lose my sorrows there

I don't want to wake up
Don't want to start my day
I wish I could keep dreaming
And gently float away
I could stay forever
In my underwear
Let me sink into my dreams and lose my sorrows there
Let me sink into my dreams and lose my sorrows there


Ah for a bit of easy comfort, well this song is just that, set up by a lovely intro and jaunts along so nice and easily!
These words are so me. I never ever want to wake up. I was hitting snooze in the womb.
Beautiful guitar work and really like the refrain and progression there. I feel this song every morning. Liked the last two lines of each verse about pillow/blanket.