Dream Gone Sour

by @berni1954

Skirmish: "LOST DREAM" (@corinnecurcio)
Dream Gone Sour

Liner Notes

The greatest "dream" of the 19th and 20th Century was the building of some kind of socialist system in which exploitation would be banned and all things would be held in common.
Unfortunately, when the revolution came, it was in backwards Russia and it had so many external enemies that it became impossible to build the infant socialist state. Then things took an even more bitter turn...Those who know their history know the rest.. the others will have to listen to the song.

Is this pattern inevitable? I hope not, because this "best of all systems" we have now is threatening to make the planet uninhabitable due to its inaction on so many environmental issues.😉

Instrument: Kala Tenor Ukulele (Low G Tuning)


(Em) We were going to build a new world
We (D) had the whole thing planned
We'd (C) driven the parasites out
Of our (D) common held land
The ex(Em)citement in the air
As we (D) discussed everything
We'd (C) taken control of our lives
We'd (D) share in what the future (Em) brings

But all too soon we found
We had enemies at the gates
The rich daren't let us succeed
Lest an example we'd create
Men rose to power so quick
With their military minds
They saved the nation at least
But left our dreams far behind

True communes were closed down
Replaced by those run by the state
Our dream was turning sour
As in came more and more dictates
That longed for paradise
With equality for all
Slipped into memory
And became hard to recall

Free thinking soon was banned
The people's police we all soon feared
You had toe the party line
Or one night you disappeared
The cultural explosion
We had in the early days
Was curtailed and made to fit
The party's narrow ways

Now a nightmare state
Rules with an iron fist
We're forced to do their will
We're powerless to resist
But in so many eyes
I still can see a gleam
That one day we'll reclaim
The right to liberate our dream


Nadia said it really well. Models don’t take into account selfish human behaviour. Good concept well delivered.
Unfortunately the theory is often better than the reality because many people are able to spoil it. Just one example: some years ago it was possible to get free nappies for the baby if a parent forgot to take one. It was freely available in baby changing rooms. Guess what happened? Some people decided, since it was free, they would grab the lot. What happened next? The free nappies are no longer available. Beautiful song and delivery. Very good take on the prompt.
I love history and great songs about it, and this is included! I hope we can reclaim everything we're deserving of!
What an amazing and informative skirmish! I love how you are able to take any subject and create a fantastic song! Love the forward motion of the strum and melody as it tells the story of the how a dream for a better future led to such an outcome. Well done!
There is quite a bit of universality in the way this tale of plans gone wrong unfolds. Mechanisms turn out to be the enemies of the ideals they were originally drafted from, and we are back to dreaming again. It’s a lesson not yet fully learned and a problem left to be solved. Nice cheerful song to take us through what otherwise might be a dry narrative from history.
Great song to sing about and you do that well here. A lot wrong today as there was yesterday. Sadly I don't see a solution as the problems are rooted in people, but here's dreaming of one.
wow, this is a great history lesson of what happened over the last century or so in some parts of the world--- very well done, indeed- that fast delivery and pace of it all is perfect for this, too. great job!!!
Lovely bouncy ukulele strumming and a catchy tune set against grim lyrics. I love songs like this!