
by @berni1954

Skirmish: Rumors (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

A very late entry for the Rumours skirmish.
I had an idea for this but it didn't gel until a couple of days ago. Then the melody went through a few stops and starts. This is the current state of play with this one.
#fuc #concertukulele

Instrument: Mainland Red Cedar Concert Ukulele


Intro: (Bb) (C) (Dm)

(Dm) Rumours spread, rumours cling
(Gm) Rumours foul up everything
(Dm) Rumours set up without remorse
(Bb) Rumours can (C) lead to a (Dm) cruel divorce

He (G) didn't want to believe the (Dm) rumours
(G) Surely she would never do (Dm) that
Who (Bb) sent the anonymous (C) letter
That he (Bb) found on his door(A)mat?
He (Bb) started to watch her like a hawk
It (F) led to spiteful rows
The res(C)entment grew and this happy couple
Are (Bb) living (C) separately (Dm) now

(Dm) Rumours spread, rumours cling
(Gm) Rumours foul up everything
(Dm) Rumours obscure or overt
(Bb) Lead to (C) someone getting (Dm) hurt

There was a (G) terrible incident in (Dm) town today
Some (G) poor young girls were (Dm) killed
The (Bb) far right jumped to con(C)clusions
And their (Bb) feeds with hate were (A) filled
Some (Bb) woman spread some Muslim name
It (Dm) reached a million repeats
Be(C)fore long racist violence
(Bb) Erupted (C) in the (Dm) streets

(Am) Tittle- tattle, hearsay, (Dm) whispers and fake news
(Am) Gossip through the grapevine, (Dm) any way you choose
(Bb) One thing I can tell you with(Dm)out recourse to booze
(C) Rumour starters might win, but their (Bb) victims (A) always (Dm) lose

(G) Politicians used to use the (Dm) TV
To (G) propagate their (Dm) views
But (Bb) now they use social (C) media
And (Bb) fill it full of fake (A) news
The (Bb) more hate that they can stir up
Through (Dm) methods so uncouth
(C) Buys them votes in the thousands
(Bb) In this (C) world of (Dm) post-truth

(Dm) Rumours spread, rumours cling
(Gm) Rumours foul up everything
(Dm) What to do and how to act?
Our de(Bb)cisions should be (C) based on (Dm) facts


I like the percussive uke use. Damn rumours! Nice bridge. Good one
Great message. Feels like a thin line of us are trying to resist a tsunami of disinformation. I don’t even know if the far right in the UK jumped to a conclusion or very intentionally chose to lie.
Bridge is fantastic this lyric develops well ! Great skirmish
Vivid song, catchy and thoughtful.
Rumours is a great topic. Lovely vocals, catchy melody. Super nice all-around!
Catchy chorus and great bridge. Vivid reminders in verses of different ways rumors sabotage our lives - from loving relationships to political divisiveness. Love the bite in your lyric and clear message that shines through. And better late to a skirmish than never in my opinion!