Deep Arpeggio Bass Fanfare Thing

by @brohachomuchacho

Liner Notes

#synth #koto #brass #electronic #instrumental #collaborationswelcome
man this is such a cool track but i have no idea what to do with it. if anyone's interested id love to hear what yall do with it!


Intensely, quirkily energetic, like the soundtrack to a chase seen a an off-kilter and bizzarro chase scene between forgotten cartoon characters in another dimension. All of which is to say: very cool!
@splittybooms eyy black ops or a different game? 7 days to die is my go to but im strange like that hahaha
That deep arp, I love the way its mixed. Its like behind a thin veil of fuzzy velvet or something; sounds great in the mix. It sits in the middle of my head making all the brighter sounds like those awesome horns really pop.
Yeah I definitely like the placement of all your sounds in the mix. Great panning and space.
Lots of drive from the low end and the hi-hat pattern. I'm gaming right now and I feel like I can do stuff that I can't do (like take on all these zombies) while listening to this. Tons of energy.
Getting strong Yello vibes here. It's those brass stabs that are doing it, obvs. All the busy arps really ramp up the energy, too. Fun!