
by @berni1954

Skirmish: Lines (@lyricslinger)

Liner Notes

When I saw the prompt, I thought, in what way have "lines" affected me personally. This led to the Chorus; but then I had the idea of taking each line of the chorus and expanding it to explain further.

The verse about squared vs lined notepads was true in Spain/Catalunya for the first few years I was here.

I am submitting this as an acapella track, because, to get around the Neighbours' 10pm Sound Curfew, I can sing quietly into my ZOOM H1n and then put the volume up in Audacity. 😜


I had to write a hundred times
"I won't do that again"
Chalk squeaking 'neath my fingers
Till they curled up in pain
It was said it made a man of you
That discipline insane
I first became a rebel
When I unjustly got the cane

Lines I did for punishment when I was a lad
Lines I insisted must be there in my note pad
Lines of people waiting for the tickets to a show
Lines outside the food banks that seem to grow and grow

Sometimes cultural differences
Are seen in the very small
You couldn't buy a notepad
With lines in Spain at all
They all had those maths squares
It drove me up the wall
I need to write my songs on lines
But I didn't have the wherewithal


I stood in line from night to day
To see Dylan playing live
The queue stretched halfway down the road
My cool took a steep dive
We spent the time singing songs
That Dylan had contrived
When I finally got my ticket
I felt more dead than alive


We live in a country
Supposedly civilized
But the lines outside the food banks
Are getting harder to disguise
The jobs aren't there for people
Now the posts have been mechanised
They say our system is the best
I think that's based on lies



very good multi use of the the word. i life through lines, well done.
Lines leading to lies, I like it! Food bank line-ups keep growing here too,
Ha! I love that you went to this memory to spark your song. Lots of depth in the lyric. Love your acapella delivery!
The word “lines” is very effective in holding together this point of view and picture of the world. The melody and the grab bag of complaints seem to have the same unhappy mood and go together well. I like the melody a lot. Good skirmishing!
That' s how to do a skirmish! You covered all the bases in the lyric and then put it to a tune that fits it perfectly when sung acapella. Brilliant!
This is great. And educational - I didn't know you can't get notepads with lines in Spain!
I love the approach you took of thinking about all the times lines have impacted on your life, and the little insights to your life such as queuing to see Dylan!
Very beautiful song. Your singing is absolutely stunning. So pure, beautiful, expressive. I think it's first time I heard you solo and I love the sound of your vocals. Very meaningful lyrics and very moving song. Love it.
What a wonderful take in the skirmish! There is such a a difference in lines,eh? Love your pure vocals!