On the River

by @newukenewyork

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I wasn’t going to write #lyricsonly this 50/90, as I’ve been focusing on finishing up lyrics-only drafts from last summer, but I’ve been traveling and it’s easier to find the time to write now and finish later.


Meet me at the stagnant pond
Near River’s Edge and Raleigh
We’ll walk to the Apple River
And lay our lives down sweetly
On the bank

Haunted by some shoreline geese
And ghosts of tubers in their floats
Cooler bobbing just behind
Tied with a length of rope

And on the river I can stand,
I walk on water
Cause I’ve seen it in your eyes
Along the river, all our plans
Our unborn sons and daughters
Sink and swim and drown and rise
Like days and nights do
On the river

There’s a campsite rotting
Under brush abloom with dragonflies
Somehow the picnic tables
Make a dam far from the passing muddy land

Taking to the air with wings
Of dream and supplication
Like bubbles pop with time
Or with elation

And on the river I can stand,
I walk on water
Cause I’ve seen it in your eyes
Along the river, all our plans
Our unborn sons and daughters
Sink and swim and drown and rise
Like days and nights do
On the river


what visual lyrics. Haunting too. Can't wait to hear how you interpret them with music!
what an interesting lyric-- some really striking images in there, walking on water and all! nicely done!