George Oscar Bluth II

by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#cassette #liveloops #cassetteloops

did yous know GOB was in the bible?


I'm with David Taro...I had to look up GOB. No clue! But your music is terrific. Amazes me how musicians can do this stuff and make it appear so easy.
I'm feeling so much more relaxed compared to when I hit play. Love that guitar work, the cool little repeating blues lick in particular. GOB is yet another cultural reference that, in my ignorance, I had to google. I don't know how you have room in your brain for all this stuff man! But I commend you for it.
I like the laid-back late night chill lax quality of this tune. And one of the things have come to look forward to with your compositions is the incorporation of the backwards sound effect which was used to excellent results!
[avatar] sultry and quietly groovy. You had me spellbound the whole way
was he indeed chapter and verse please. nice talking guitar! then goes asian fairground!