Concert Etiquette

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


Hey! You! Standing in the crowd
You know? Standing's not allowed
When you stand you block my view
Sit down for a sec or two

When I bought my ticket
I expected a great show
But now you stand before me
And that's just a big no

Hey! You! Singing all the words
I came to hope the singer's heard
But you are louder than the band
This is not what I had planned

Hey! You! Lady with big hair
Who gave you the right to sit there
I can't see around that hive
Really want to see them live

Your head is just enormous
You body is too wide
My line of sight is vanquished
At least just move aside

And the fool that's dancing
Right up by the stage
Maybe just take a seat
Maybe act your age

Hey! You! Talking up a storm
Don't know? Talking's not the norm
Take your conversation out
Too loud? You don't have to shout

Hey! You! Kicking at my chair
Long legs? Say it isn't fair?
Stand up, long as you're behind
Block them, that I do not mind

When I buy some concert tix
I prefer a private mix
Better off the hall is bare
Missing much? I just don't care


Oh, absolutely this. All of this is why I seldom go to gigs any more.