Toward Bliss

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


I was falling far behind
The life I'd led, the fault was mine
The path not taken, choices made
I never, ever, made the grade

I found some solace with a stick
But ended only getting sick
And to the streets I found that I
Was slowly drifting down to die

"Helping hand?" I cried in vain
No one but myself to blame
Further down the road I trod
Failing to see that I was flawed

I once again tried to reach out
But only grabbed some more self-doubt
The constant pain, being rejected
Left me only further dejected

But then I reached that damned nadir
The spot that I could only fear
It's only up that I can go
I needed just to believe it so

And so with that my new resolve
My sordid past did then dissolve
The reach I needed was within
To take me from my inner sin

The lowest low, now left behind
I vowed to be forever kind
I climbed out of the deep abyss
And ambled toward a newfound bliss


This takes the listener on a journey! I’m glad there could be a better resolution than at first implied.