The Mica in the Stone

by @newukenewyork

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I’m traveling. I do have my uke but maybe not the time to set this to music. For now, #lyricsonly

Inspired by where I am and my love for Rocky Mountain National Park, one of my spiritual homes.


V1 Nothing’s ever new,
Announced the hiker to the hill
If I don’t push this boulder, baby
— Someone else will
And the rabbit pauses in the grass
To twitch as I pass by
I wish somebody’d lift my gaze,
Remind me of the sky

The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone
Everybody’s colors looking for a home
Landed on this spinning rock,
Might not be quite alone
The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone

V2 Everything is new,
I heard the mountain tell the sea
Just one pebble shifts,
One flower blooms alongside me
And the ants just keep on crawling
With their finite kind of dreams
Nobody inside can step out,
That’s the way it seems

The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone
Everybody’s colors looking for a home
Landed on this spinning rock,
Might not be quite alone
The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone

They’re trying hard to make machines
To solve the puzzle of our math
The way we sometimes catch each other’s eye
— And have to laugh

The wind is in the aspens now
Not quite whisper, not quite roar
I’m sitting, thinking of you,
Like that’s what this sunshine’s for

The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone
Everybody’s colors looking for a home
Landed on this spinning rock,
Might not be quite alone
The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone

The green, the gold, the rainbow
Of the mica in the stone


Wonderful lyrics. Lots of emotion packed in spots. Great line: Of the mica in the stone.
There's an emotion coming through these words. I can't quite name it, but I've felt it in places I love, too.

I love the metaphor of mica for something beautiful embedded in the everyday.
Love the Rocky Mountains - my older son went to college in Durango for a few years so lots of trips there. I like the chorus very much - very musical in just reading it. If you set it to music I'd be interested in listening.