Mi Primera Canción (My First Song)

by @phylo

Mi Primera Canción (My First Song)

Liner Notes

I've been learning Spanish on DuoLingo for a little over two years. I still don't feel confident to have an actual conversation yet, but I thought I'd try my hand here with writing lyrics. I have a hard enough time phrasing in English, so this was a challenge!

EDIT 8/20/24: @yewnorker encouraged me to just go for it. So, here it is, in my best (worst) Spanish. (Which isn't very good, but I absolutely owned it!)

#spanish #indiefolk #acoustic


Escribo mis palabras
En español por primera vez
Cada frase un intento
Cada línea un revés

El ritmo en mis venas
Las notas en mi voz
Siento la emoción
Cantando para vos

Esta es mi primera canción
En este idioma de pasión
Las palabras son mi voz
Por primera vez hoy

La guitarra suena suave
Las cuerdas hablan de amor
Cada acorde un sueño
Relato sin error

No sé si lo haré bien
Solo sé que lo intentaré
Con este nuevo lenguaje
Que en mi corazón llevaré

Esta es mi primera canción
En este idioma de pasión
Las palabras son mi voz
Por primera vez hoy


I write my words
In Spanish for the first time
Each sentence an attempt
Each line a setback

The rhythm in my veins
The notes in my voice
I feel the emotion
Singing for you

This is my first song
In this language of passion
The words are my voice
For the first time today

The guitar sounds soft
The strings speak of love
Each chord a dream
A story without error

I don't know if I'll do it right
I just know that I'll try
With this new language
That I'll carry in my heart

This is my first song
In this language of passion
The words are my voice
For the first time today


Oh wow, this is legit, Phil! The song is beautiful, and your Spanish is really good! Great song, I love it, and praise your courage!
I bet you it will sound just fine. I like the translation. I would expect some simple accompaniment on accoustic. You could always record voice and guitar separately?
I know very little Spanish but in the translation I love “ The words are my voice/For the first time today.” Congratulations on being moved to write in another language and following through. Very cool!