The Curse of Capistrano

by @gmcgath

The Curse of Capistrano

Liner Notes

Sorry if you were expecting a Zorro song from the title. This is based on news articles I've read about the Capistrano Unified School District and the outrageous way they treated a first-grader. Come to think of it, it might be a good thing if Zorro showed up.

For background, see

Written in the Dorian mode.


The Curse of Capistrano

A first grader wrote down a message
To comfort a classmate and friend.
She wrote down the words "Black lives matter —
Any life," is what she penned.

For this she was properly punished.
You can't say such horrible words.
The notion that people are people
Cannot be allowed. It's absurd.

For only some people are people,
Yes, only some humans have worth.
You have to learn which lives are worthy
Of being with us on this Earth.

We need to teach distrust and loathing.
We need to keep people apart.
We need to look out for these feelings
And make them stay out of the heart.

We won't say which people don't matter.
To do that would ruin our game.
While you don't know, there's no escaping
Our saying you're always to blame.

And in the end there's just one lesson
We want all the children to learn,
That we can invent accusations
And they have got nowhere to turn.


Not familiar with the news story but you have generalized all too well. What an awful lesson for children to learn!!