
by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


Spent the day out of touch
Normally wouldn't mean that much
The problem was self-induced
I cut the wire and now no juice

A day without the Internet
Not what I want at the outset
Now I have to find some fun
And do some things I should have done

To garden doesn't need the net
Except to water, I did forget
And now my lawn is turning brown
Should not have brought the network down

A lazy evening on the tube
No smart TV, I'm such a rube
I cannot get my Netflix fix
I cannot get my Facebook clicks

Alexa tell me what to do?
"Cannot respond, not hearing you"
It's getting dark, now here's a hitch
I have to stand to reach a switch

My lazy bones are just not used
To doing stuff, I've been abused
The automation controls me
Without it, truly, I'm at sea


Oh, I had to chuckle darkly as I read this one. It's a sharp take on the modern condition