Ticking of a Clock

by @philkmills

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes


Not so much a song as a structured description of how I spent an hour or so of my day yesterday. 😀 I probably won't do anything more with this. If you hear music while reading the words, go for it.


Dry, relaxed, and sheltered as I listen to the rain,
Rivulets run slowly, washing down the window panes.
I see no need for movement, I feel no need to talk,
There’s nothing to disturb me but the ticking of a clock.

Two cats lie in comfort, one awake and one asleep,
The tabby close beside me in a friendly, fluffy heap.
An earthquake might dislodge them, or perhaps the aftershock;
They don’t ascribe a meaning to the ticking of a clock.

I may have…

Closed my eyes
Or had a waking dream
Of a garden drenched
In shades of green.
A soft grey light
Took thoughts away
To the endlessness
Of a peaceful day

The rain comes to a stop and all the darker clouds have gone.
A group of robins land outside and hop across the lawn.
Alert, a cat makes empty threats against their little flock
I smile, then leave in rhythm with the ticking of a clock.


Ah, this has a lovely feel to it. I especially like the "I may have…" section. The rhyme there is extremely nice, and I like the shorter lines, how they contrast with the other verses. Pretty write!