Is it Possible to Fix the Past?

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: What would you do with a ... (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

I often think about this question: what would happen if the time machine took me back to the days I would like to change. Would I be able to change them for the better or was their a chain of events which had to lead what happened i.e many things happen for a reason... The prompt was inspiring for me even though I rashed creating as I had my lesson at 5 pm and the prompt was posted and I saw it a little later. Anyway, here is my instrumental. Thank you, as always, for listening and commenting. My piece is open to collaborations if you hear potential. Could be a spoken word or a song. I was thinking of the phrase Is it possible to fix the past at the very start of my music, but instrumentals are often open to suggestions and interpretations. I can hear other instruments joining. Anyway, I better leave it to the listener/s to hear what the music is about.

#skirmish #collaborationswelcome #instrumental
Is it Possible to Fix the Past?© 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


This just drips with regret.
This sounds very sci fi to me. I can picture this playing over a scene of someone is contemplating whether to go back in time or not.
Like someone said before I can hear this in a movie or as a cue in film. It's very emotive and reminds me of the 1980's soundscapes.
I can see this as a movie scene where the scientist looks over a broken-down time machine and we don't know whether they'll fix it or dismantle it.
Lovely and feels lonely and reflective I think. I really can relate to this. Nice skirmish!