The Good Land

by @carleybaer

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

A #lyriconly rumination from a breakfast patio. There is no “Hollywood” where I am but it flowed better.


On the top of Brewers Hill
I heard you ask the question
A subject that I thought was still
Too sensitive to mention
You took my hand and aimed my gaze
Into the blue horizon
And in that moment, I was amazed
At how far the gap had widened

Here, in the good land
Here, in the good land

We fancied ourselves prodigal
Curiosity keeps burning
Although that meant, despite it all
That we’d end up returning
Is it so wrong that we’d come back
To hills and trees and water
You the ever-faithful son
And me the faithless daughter

Here, in the good land
Here, in the good land

How long will we have to look for heaven?
Will we know it even if we get there?

I don’t hold truck with destiny
Though I consult the spirit
And something comes alive in me
Whenever I get near it
So maybe this is who we are
The thought enters my mind
As I look upon the skyline
On Hollywood and Vine

Here, in the good land
Here, in the good land


Very evocative lyric; well written. Hope you find/gain/make music for it!