The Day the Fascists Come

by @rocketgrrrl

The Day the Fascists Come

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithukulele #fuc #political #queer

These lyrics just really wanted to be born. Not sure where they came from, but I'm glad they're here.

Musically, I tried to keep it simple so I could play it nice and quickly on my baritone ukulele.


The Day the Fascists Come
Jemma Kline

You may have heard the story
Of the time when Europe fell,
When the strange allure of tyranny
Held nations in its spell.
But there’ll be no sound of jackboot feet,
No armies on the run,
Only whispers from computer screens
The day the fascists come.

You may expect a bayonet,
The dropping of a bomb,
But the danger comes from greed and lies,
So turn your TV on.
Then listen to their angry words,
The rhythm of the drums.
It’s purity and nation first,
The day the fascists come.

They’ll warn you of the immigrants,
Of communists and queers.
They’ll call upon your piety
And prey upon your fears.
They’ll worship masculinity,
And strongmen with their guns,
But courage and compassion both
Can put them on the run.

So gather up your weapons -
All those books upon your shelf.
Yes, the lessons of the library
Will always serve you well.
For truth and understanding,
And the love of everyone
Will save the world from darkest night,
The day the fascists come.


Wonderful folk anthem, and so pointy. The message is necessary - we keep expecting big explosions, but what's really happening is the setting off of a thousand small firecrackers, to disrupt our ability to connect and see each other as human. Excellent, if sobering, work here.
Whether or not it happened easily, the words and their delivery seem amazingly natural. It's as if you're presenting your points directly...and they just happen to have rhyme and scansion without being forced. I like that!
So very true, I fear that (anti)social media is one of the most dangerous weapons around today - particularly when combined with AI's ability to create very realistic fake videos and photos.
Sorry this is happening in the UK. Sadly I feel that this is what Tories do when they can’t run the country any more. Good to see there are those countering the bigots and thugs. Great song for peace.
i like the song and the points made, but he fascists have been here for a long time . your song has the answers, though, of how we may some day, when we rise from stupifaction and complacency get rid of them. as you suggest, our greatest weapons are the books upon our shelves,
Very well done! Your voice was strong and clear, as was the lyric.
Excellent- an important topic, needless to say, and you make the case very well indeed- lots of great lines that ring true, sadly! I like the optimism of that last verse (and don't forget to vote, everyone!) great job with this important subject!