Wild Hearts

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Wild Hearts” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 40

There are a lot of seeds underlying this song.
In college I took a class on women and autobiography/memoir, and for a paper I interviewed and wrote about my mother, who told me about how her mother, my grandmother, grew roses and how she raised her children with “rose garden” expectations. My mom, though, talked about her own desire for her children to be more wild and wind blown sunflowers, not roses. She wanted to allow the imperfections we all naturally have.

+ As a kid I wanted everyone to stop mowing and allow for wildflowers rather than a carefully tended grass lawn.

+ I also thought I wanted more children than the one I ended up having.

In these lyrics, written last summer, I combined all these ideas (+ a nursery rhyme, Eden, a children’s book, and a few other references) into a song. Today I finished it off with a melody and some chords.

12 lyric drafts left to finish from 2023…

All my originals: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6mTUlPL-MmAm45IMVgat1necrh2mGnT6&si=sAdXP581ZNU__9rn

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #flowers #garden #midemfoke


My grandmother grew roses
It was sunflowers for Mom
I always wanted wildflowers
Sown across the lawn

Wild hands in the garden
Wild blooms along the drive
Wild desire for sun and rain
Wild hearts the plot cannot contain

I have no daughter left to tend
A son shines in the rows
The dirt under my fingernails
Deepens as he grows

The burrow is a rabbit's home
The furrow is a plow's
The sparrow with a seed has flown
When plenty will allow


Contrary we, in gardens grown,
Long-cursed to toil and groan
A path sketched through with paving stones
The buds' long cover blown



Just beautiful. The well crafted lyrics and flawless one-take lovely performance is hard to beat. Aces!
Nice. I appreciate songs which, if they introduce a metaphor, stick with it. It's an appealing part of this one. Fine melody, as I now expect of you. 😀

Intended or not, I hear "the plot" as having a double meaning: the piece of land with plants and also the plans made by the older generations.
This is so beautiful and your voice is like honey! I could honestly listen to it over and over. So wistful and a great performance x
I love the way you delivered the words and the playing compliments and backs up your vocals and adds dimension to already, really good words. Very pleasant and enjoyable to listen to.
simply beautiful. I really love this performance a lot.
if these lyrics are any example i surmise that you, like myself,are a fan of emily dickinson, who simmers her wisdom into simple, terse verse.