Everybody Get Up

by @newukenewyork

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Liner Notes

FAWM 50/90 2024 Song 39
UPDATE: Added a very rough demo. This is my first Garage Band track and I'm terrible at Garage Band, but I did my best.
I got TRICKED in the forum thread that became the #thanksihateit challenge, when Beto turned it into a challenge after asking us what musical trope/cliché we hate.

I had only commented to jump on the small bandwagon of folks complaining about audience members in live performances being forced to stand/cheer louder/etc. by performers who refuse to play until everyone's screaming louder or standing up or whatever. Bleah, I hate that. I'll stand up if you move me to stand up. Do your job!

Now the challenge is to use our pet peeve in a song. So I wrote these lyrics and we'll see if I get a chance to set it to music. I don't really write energetic dance/club songs, but this should be one. #lyricsonly #collaborationswelcome


Everybody get up (everybody get up)
Get out of your seat (get out of your seat)
Better yell a little louder (better yell a little louder)
Let me hear you scream (let me hear you scream)

You know what I mean? I want to float
On the sounds coming outta your throat
You better raise me to the roof
I want to look out on a sea of fans
And count 'bout every tooth --

Everybody get up (everybody get up)
Get out of your seat (get out of your seat)
Better yell a little louder (better yell a little louder)
Let me hear you scream (let me hear you scream)

Cause this is my scene - you paid the price
Nobody can tell me I'm not right
You went all in on my big show
It's time to put your mouth right where your cash is,
I'm not letting go --

Everybody get up (everybody get up)
Get out of your seat (get out of your seat)
Better yell a little louder (better yell a little louder)
Let me hear you scream (let me hear you scream)

[BRIDGE goes straight into CHORUS*]
You got to demonstrate the way
I want participation, baby,
Be just how I want to see you
Not the way you want to be -- get up
Get out of your seat (get out of your seat)
Better yell a little louder (better yell a little louder)
Let me hear you scream (let me hear you scream)

*repeat chorus until concert is over or everyone has passed out


my absolute favorite part is the bullhorn effect on the backing vocals. it is absolutely the exact thing a song like this would need.
A very different side for sure, but fun! That beat is infectious, and just the thing to compliment your excellent vocals.
Oh this is fun and very catchy! And I love it when people try something a bit different. Also I agree, I hate that too...
Cool! Very catchy and so unusual for you - totally different so your other songs.
I love it!
Ha, love the crushed vocals on the chorus! Well done!
this is way faster than I thought it would be haha. It's fun! the backing screams remind me a lot of some late 90s early 00s music
@beto @mahtowin @billwhite51 @sunfire I don't like unfinished songs, so I roughed out a demo, though I am bad at Garage Band.
Yeaaaah, this is brilliant! Great write, and thanks for being a sport! ❤️
Haha! So good! You nailed it! 😃
I want to float
On the sounds coming outta your throat...

now that line should become universal among musicians of all genres when performing to huge crowds. Taylor Swift take note.
An anthem of sorts to get up, make some noise, be active and have a good time. Hear! Hear!