Frozen Ghosts

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#flute #tootlestick #reverb #lotsofreverb #soundscape #improvisation #instrumental
Yep. DD is still messing with flute and loads of esoteric reverb.


I mean who doesn't love reverb! So many cool things you can do with it.
Wonderful. A mixture of flowing sounds, East and West and North. What’s a tootlestick? Kudos.
Andrew says he can hear a swarm of wasps in the background. We’re listening to this in a field at sidmouth ( folk festival). He is liking this. Great stuff mr H. Very atmospheric and beautifully played/produced as always
The reverb tails from this track will be echoing out across the universe long after 5090 has finished! I'm in a boat floating down a river in a lush forest and all around is an other worldly calm landscape, the weather is warm but not hot, a cool breeze blows. Annnnd breathe..,
I like this, I could see this as a background for some videos. Nice work.