No Can Do

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I imagined a game, then imagined this song about it


The slightest touch can prove too much
The tile moves a fraction
The greatest cost would be a loss
By the other side’s inaction

The ancient art of No Can Do
Is all about inertia
Equal and opposing force
A minimum of pushing

It can apply to physical things
But the application’s wider
It starts with the way one sings
Then something comes from inside you

A simple note
Within the throat
Just like the Tuvan chanter
The counterpoint
Starts to disjoint
The other singer’s banter

It’s out of phase
And out of place
The melody is canceled
The silence roars
Within our ears
As alternates are handled

The ancient art of No Can Do
Is popular in Asia
Origins in Kathmandu
In sound it's like aphrasia


These are very nicely constructed lyrics -- you've worked with a lot of unusual words deftly. It reads smoothly in my mind and the rhythm and rhyme is pleasing. Well done!