Sweet forbidden pleasure!

by @mahtowin

Liner Notes

This text came up after I watched a film by James Ivory, set in England at the beginning of the last century. The main character is Maurice (that's also the name of the film), who falls in love with a fellow student (played by a very young Hugh Grant). The love is reciprocated but remains platonic. His friend is getting married at some point. In desperation, Maurice asked a psychiatrist for help who is supposed to "cure" him.
In the end, Maurice finds a man who replies his love and wants to live with him.

A bit of the life story of Oskar Wilde also flows into it (into my text), who went to prison and was sentenced to forced labor because of his bisexual tendencies.

The night after I saw the movie, I dreamed of a pigeon with a broken wing that I found and took home.

It has always been completely incomprehensible to me why people are ostracized, judged and shamed because of their love. Unfortunately, there are still many countries where homosexuality is banned.

Love is a human right.

#love #bass #shame #pleasure #oscarwilde


Verbotene süße Lust!

Ich fand Dich mit gebrochenem Flügel.
Du warst wunderschön!
Deine dunklen Federn: so weich! So schimmernd!
Ich wollte, dass Du immer bei mir bist!
Ich nahm Dich mit zu mir.
Und legte Dir eine Decke aus Liebe um!
Und fütterte Dich mit meiner Zärtlichkeit!

Du warst mein Geheimnis!
Du gehörtest mir!
Du warst mein Geheminis!
Du warst mein!

Verbotene süße Lust!
Verheimlichte schamhafte Liebe!

Mein geduldiges Herz machte Dich gesund!
Mein Glaube an uns machte Dich stark!
Und ich ging für uns in die Dunkelheit!
Auf die INsel der Scham!
In den Wald der Tabus!
Bis meine Flügel brachen!

Wo bist Du?!
Wo bist Du?!

Du warst mein Geheimnis!
Du warst mein!
Forbidden sweet pleasure!

I found you with a broken wing.
You were so beautiful!
Your dark feathers: so soft! So shimmery!
I wanted you to be with me forever!
I took you with me.
And put a blanket of love around you!
And fed you with my tenderness!

You were my secret!
You belonged to me!
You were my secret!
You were mine!

Forbidden sweet pleasure!
Hidden, shameful love!

My patient heart healed you!
My faith in us made you strong!
And I went into the darkness for us!
To the island of shame!
Into the forest of taboos!
Until my wings broke!

Where are you?!
Where are you?!

You were my secret!
You were mine!


yup a mystery to me - as an oldie i think i was a bi the odd one when young - at least we have moved to better tolerance if not nearly far enough. very strong both lyrically and the emotion is strong in the delivery
I appreciated reading your liner notes about all the elements that went into this song. Affecting and effective lyrics -- to nurture, to love and then to feel abandoned. It hits hard. I like the musical backing, too, with the sort of shaker/tambourine hit in the percussion. Is that maybe oboe or synth in a layer, too. When the voices build, it's really cool.
I've been guilty of waiting too long to check in with you! This song is wonderful. The choice of instruments and the arrangement are perfect. I love it. 😄
Love that initial instrument, which sounds like romantic longing. A bassoon? Very cool when the drums come in, and your vocals bathe everything in an otherwordly glow. Lyrics very beautiful.