Getting Fired

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


I cooked the books, was it a crime?
And now they say I'm doing time
I only thought I'd spare them all
And save them from the boss's call

Corruption reigned throughout the staff
A party here, perhaps a laugh
But when time came to pay the bill
I found the means to try my skill

A second set of books appeared
To avoid things that seemed weird
A debit here, a credit there
At first it only seemed to be fair

Alas, it took a wicked turn
That's when I found I had to burn
The building down, to hide my tracks
And once it lit, no turning back

The flames grew high, and all was lost
Insurance did not cover the cost
And out of work, just like a worm
It was the workers time to squirm

They knew the truth, they must be stopped
And just like that, each one was dropped
They didn't know who laid them out
And I was free, without a doubt

But hidden cameras caught the scene
The prosecutors all were mean
Now I find myself in jail
And pass along my sad, sad tale


enjoyed that lyric, very witty