The Anniversary Song (Table For Two)

by @nosmoking

The Anniversary Song (Table For Two)

Liner Notes

3Country #anniversary #singersongwriter #folk #acoustic #guitar


The wedding reception was planned to perfection
As I wandered into the hall
The places were set and the champagne was poured
I found my name at a seat by the wall
And there at that table that seemed to be labeled
"You belong here if you are alone"
She looked up at me as I set myself down and said
"Hello" in her cautious tone

Her eyes were like emeralds, her lips were strawberries
The room glowed with her awkward smile
It wasn't so long before I made her laugh
She did the same to me after a while
By the time they were serving dessert we were swerving
To a place where neither had been
By the time they were dancing we started romancing
I leaned in and said with a grin

Save me a place at your table for two
And if you do I promise you
That table will do always
Give me your heart and I will give mine to you
And if forever will do I'll sit with you
At this table for two

Now I sit across for the table she's setting
It's been thirty years by her side
The kids are all grown and the house seems too big
But somehow she's taking it all in her stride
The emerald still gleams in those eyes that still seem to be
Looking straight through to my heart
As long as I'm able I'll feast at her table
And nothing will keep us apart



What a sweet Americana story song. It makes me feel like a wide-eyed little girl sitting up to hear the grown-ups sing songs and tell stories. What a nice outcome for the table of misfit toys. There's something about the stretched out wrapped lines that makes me think of a couple crossing hands in a dance after a promenade - the pleasure that takes a while in coming is extra sweet, like the couple themselves.
Great story telling, and I really love the pacing of the lyrics in the 5th line in your verse. Really nice. This sounds great and it's got great layers.
What a lovely song! You tell a good story and keep my interest the whole time, and reward with a delightful experience.
a very pretty and well written waltz that depicts what so many single, husband-hunting women fantasize what may happen when they doll themselves up to attend a wedding. in this case, both parties were hoping for the same thing and were very lucky to meet each other, the result being a perfect marriage and a happy family. you did an excellent job of creating the wedding atmosphere with the jaunty music and affable vocals.