You Changed My Mind

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“You Changed My Mind” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 32

Update: y’all I just remembered what this song is about. I sort of only half listened to it as I was setting the lyrics to music, but listening back it is exactly the story of how my now-husband convinced me we should date, the morning after we had had a very rational conversation about how I was about to go off to college 90 miles away and dating probably wasn’t a good idea. Awww… and then he left me a note on my doorstep with a drawing, and it said, paraphrased, “I love you and you’re my best friend and let’s just see where it goes.” And he changed my mind.

I think though that the box of my favorite cereal was a doorstep gift from an ex. 😅 but I like that detail even if it was another guy. We used to do that when I was a teen. My friend Angela and I called it “stalking” — driving around at night and leaving flowers and candles and notes and things on friends’ doorsteps.

—/— original notes below:
Another lyrical draft from last summer that needed to be finished. I started on a chord I don’t use a lot, and that helped me find a new place for this melody. I also haven’t played this uke in a while — now, I’ve written with all my ukuleles at least once this 50/90. This time, I tried to allow some vocal notes to clash with chords before resolving, to play with that tension.

I ended up doubling the length of the chorus, and I rewrote a lyric as I was singing it on this take. It’s getting there.

Still 18 lyric drafts left to finish from 2023 skirmishes! I just found one I’d forgotten about, in the wrong pile.

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke


Our summer affection, I
Thought it cooled off after all that warm
Must be good as gone by fall
Take-a-chance isn’t my call
To arms, as you must know
But you argued your case at me,
Add in the factor of your charm

You changed my mind
Had to swallow my pride,
Take it back, when I said I can’t risk it
You changed my mind
I heard something inside,
Shift and crack, hold the knot and untwist it
You changed my mind

You left me a note and a
Box of my number one favorite cereal
Must have stopped by overnight
And I saw you in that light
And sat with it a while
And I laughed with a tear at your
Fervent rebuttal of all of my fears


I think I’ll buy what you’re selling
Believe what you’re telling me
Some things take two to see
On my own I can’t get through at all,
But you’re good at finding a door in the wall



You have such a lovely tone to your voice that I sometimes forget to actually listen to the words! So on a second listen, I got the full impact. What a great story!
This is a beautiful story, crafted into an excellent song! I could listen to you sing all day!
This is powerful and emotive. Beautiful melody and yes echoes of Laura Nyro too.
listening to this song, and thinking about some of your others, it ocurred to me that you could extend your music by singing with a jazz band rather than simply strumming the uke. it seems to me that with skillfully harmonic accompaniment you could really cut loose with your melodic gifts. not that the uke is a hinderance, you have done wonders with it. but im thinking of the uninhabited space between laura nyro and betty carter. you would really soar in that territory.
Nice moments of tension and release, and a really pretty melody. It is interesting how just starting on a chord you don't normally use can spark a new melodic progression. I especially like the chorus and how you treated the title line.