She Waits in the Night/Sie wartet in der Nacht

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#descendingchords #gloomfolk #melodica #nylonstrings

As always, I love what Mahtowin did here - her mellifluous vocals go so nicely with the dark fingerpicked guitar, and her lyrics set an ominous scene.

Mahtowin: In order to capture the eerie and dark mood, I wanted to leave a lot of space and use very little text. I also tried to somehow sing a kind of duet with this perfect melodica!

And again you can hear that the music sets the mood!
Great, Pennyfeather!


Spürst Du, wie der Regen fällt?
Dunkel ist draußen die Welt!

Kein Mond am Himmel, kein Licht!
Nur der Regen, der fällt, findet Dich!

Sie wartet allein in der Nacht
geduldig und leise, bis Du erwachst ...

She waits in the night

Do you feel the rain falling?
The world outside is dark!

No moon in the sky, no light!
Only the rain that falls finds you!

She waits alone in the night
patiently and quietly until you wake up.


Great track, indeed a dark eerie mood, you succeeded well with this collaboration!
i like the economy of words but they say a lot. such a ttg music bed . nice slower pace. i like the distsnt feeling in the vocal.
you both sustain the mood so solidly. the use of the melodica reminds me of a recording i did during which the producer brought in a clarinet, who nearly ruined the song by playing the melody during the break, i told her to limit herself to one note and to vary the intensity. if you choose, you can hear the result here, (clarinet comes it at 1 minute 10 seconds) when i get to din two weeks, im going to get a wav file made from the original DAT to replace this shitty dub from a casette,)
With a title like that, how could I not listen. Right? The opening guitar has a bit of “Mama Told Me Not To Cone” vibe. At least, to my ears. Then it takes a totally different direction when the vocals and melodica kick in. Spooky! Like being stuck in an escape room.
Oooh, I think I'll stay asleep. But it's uncomfortable being all wet. What a conundrum. The strings are like the rain falling, and I've never heard the melodica sound so fraught.