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by @headfirstonly Mod

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Liner Notes

It's much too hot to sing today. So here's another instrumental, inspired by this tweet:

While a certain amount of hyperbole transpired, the observation by a friend that "It's crazy we actually have a Voigt-Kampff test that works now" was true for a time...

Lots of NI's new Scene: Saffron instrument on this, currently on sale for £25:
(and thanks to @aeye for encouraging me to spend money once again!)


An enjoyable piece to hear. The pacing and development seemed perfect.

(Note to self: must try something cinematic some day.)
A slow burn evolution into a mysterious world; this would be a wonderful track to a Cirque du Soleil performance. It has drama, and excitement, and emotion; it's an enticing lure into a shadowy but seductive other realm...
The intro part reminded me of the music you'd hear in the line (queue) for a very dark dark ride at a theme park. Then the beat comes out of nowhere and takes us a nice journey. Maybe that's the ride itself? And the guitar resolution is like pulling back into the station. At least that's what I heard!
i agree with Bill and even wider than music. space is becoming interesting again to a wider audience. this is a lovely piece i really like the change up just before the 1 1/2 minutes. very nice.
musicians have been recording so-called space music for decades, but this year is the first time i have heard such an outpuring of space music that really sounds like space music. this number really took me out there for a ride. then those final two minutes had some passages that wouldnt be out of place in something from Tool.
Music for skirting the edges of the universe in a massive vessel with the crew all asleep. And who doesn't need a bit of that? Marvy, Chris.