
by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

Ok, here we go. Absolutely no Fantom involved here other than as a MIDI controller. I enjoyed this one.

Over here in the UK, we have a heatwave, don't have many, but we have one now. Which means my music making room is 30c and way too hot. So I brought out the trusty Native Instruments M32 MIDI controller and took the laptop downstairs where it was cooler and the beginnings of this track were born. It is still 30c in the main music making room, so I've braved it to finish off the track.

It is pure FAWMtronica I think.

A different workflow also, I used Reaper and loaded up lots of tracks with instances of Komplete Kontrol plugin, and then searched for instruments and a 'character' of instrument I wanted. This led me to use quite a few different plugins than I otherwise would have, we all gravitate towards those plugins that we know, well, I do!

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
Analog Labs Synth
Native Instruments Straylight, Sequis Voices, FM8 Synth, Hypha Bass,
Damage, of course

#fawmtronica #electronic #synth


The vocal stabs are great. When the synth bass and 80s space Olympic synth kick in you got a chill synth wave vibe going. The "s" sibilant sound echoing is a really great percussive effect!
I really like the combination between new age etherealness and raw, driving power that this song embodies; it's two great sounds that really do sound great together, the floating chants gliding over the dramatic war music to impel us forward, like the battle hymn of heaven on judgment day. It's very cool! (No pun with your current weather situation intended!)
Starts of with a vaguely Enya-ish feel but then takes things in a much more aggressive direction. Some really interesting things going on all the way through this. Very cool, although that really isn't the correct expression to use here at the moment, either; at half past ten at night it's still 30°C in my studio (which faces North, I might add). Much too hot. The HFO moniker came about because it was originally a skiing club. I prefer the temperatures outside to be below freezing...