She Hesitated

by @nosmoking

She Hesitated

Liner Notes

#humor #ballad #rock #singersongwriter

This song is either a study of man's ability to ignore reality or it's just a silly song. I'm guessing the latter...


I got a woman, she really loves me
Though once in a while we have a tiff
But when we do, she still loves me
‘Cause she pauses before jumping off that cliff
The other night, we nearly came to blows
She said “I’m leaving you, you SOB!”
But I still knew she had those feelings for me
How’d I know?

She hesitated, she hesitated
Between you and me I think she hesitated
While screaming "SOB!"
Ah, could'a been quicker if you ask me
It can only mean what I think it can
This woman, she still loves her man

After she told me the things she told me
She grabbed the lamp near the couch
But when she tossed it into the TV
Yes, It brought on an involuntary “Ouch!”
But then I knew it, that she still cared a lot
By the way she handled that light
‘Cause she gave that sign that everything would be alright
What sign?

She hesitated, she hesitated
Between you and me I think she hesitated
While winding up for the throw
She looked my way like she never done before
It can only mean what I think it can
This woman, she still loves her man

When she was finished destroying property
But before I cleaned up the mess
She placed her fist in front of my nose
With a message that caused me distress
She summed up the total argument
With the longest finger she’s got
She aimed it high. But still I was thinking “Good try”
Why, you ask?

She hesitated, she hesitated
Between you and me I think she hesitated
While she was walking out that door
She turned her head a bit like she just wasn’t sure
It can only mean what I think it can
This woman, she still loves her man

Later on while I was sweeping up
I heard her cry out from the street
She yelled something ‘bout Army surplus
And how I’d soon be at her feet
Well, I didn’t have to wait too long
That grenade came flying through the glass
Some would think at this point their ass would be grass
Not me.

She hesitated, she hesitated
Between you and me I think she hesitated
With her finger on that pin
She took a pause that made me want to grin
Well, it can only mean what I think it can
This woman, she still loves her man
This woman, she still loves her man
This woman, she still loves her man


Oh this is fun! Great transition to the chorus. Awesome vocal styling. Clever lyrics. Love the descending bass line - and great bass playing too. The little touches of organ synth are great too. Oh I like those vocal adds on the chorus! I could not stop smiling throughout your song - what a treat!!
How have I not heard your stuff before? This seems a bit "country" to me--do you agree? About 1/3 of what I do is "country-ish". This is just a terrific song! I'll be paying closer attention in the future! ❤️
Really funny! Especially from a woman’s POV! Yeah, this is how men misinterpret women’s actions. True, she may hesitate and even still love him, but that doesn’t mean she’s not gonna leave - lol!
Such a swinging fun song about relationships and that tension between interpreting what hesitation means