
by @edwardsmusic

Liner Notes

During March 2020 (COVID times), my uni ensemble recorded a track on BandLab. The singer and guitarist sent me a rough mix of his track to record some keys over.

In Mixcraft I exported the track to a hard drive that was almost completely out of space. As a result, I only heard a few seconds of the track before the recording was overtaken by harsh distorted white noise.

I no longer have the original recording (it was deleted when I ended up wiping the hard drive), but I had a faint recollection of how it sounded. I recreated the musique concrete on Mixcraft 8 using virtual instruments and various sound effects.

#experimental #electronic #noise


Ha - I've had similar experiences (there's no such thing as too much disk space). I love the way this starts out as gentle doo-wop and then goes hard into industrial noise. All sorts of entertaining little embellishments to enjoy from start to finish. Great fun.
Hahaha yeah this is great!!!
So many awesome noises all layered up here.
Love that weird grunting noise near the end.