The small, delicate and shy idea!

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

#accustic #dreamy #german
Once again Pennyfeather has reached deep into his magic box and conjured up beautiful, dreamy music!

Lyrics were inspired by Mr.Cohen, a book of Haruki Murakami and some memories.

Translation below


Die kleine, zarte und scheue Idee!

Hinter den Gläsern leuchten zwei blaue Augen!
Ein Buch hält sie in der Hand
und an den Fingern der anderen hängt eine Glocke
an zartem Band!

Wie eine Welle wartet sie auf den Mond!
Die Tiefe in ihr ist groß und bewohnt
von sprechenden Tieren und wandernden Bäumen!
Von schlafenden Bären und deren Träumen!
Vom Frühling, von Wärme, von Honig und Spiel!

Die kleine zarte und scheue Idee trägt in sich so viel! So viel!

Sie wartet in jedem Traum!
In der Falken-Feder zartem Flaum!
In jedem Stein ist sie!
In jedem Klang!
In jeder Rose!
In jedem Gesang!

The small, delicate and shy idea!

Two blue eyes shine behind the glasses!
She holds a book in her hand
and a bell hangs on the fingers of the other
on a delicate ribbon!

Like a wave, she waits for the moon!
The depths within her are vast and inhabited
of talking animals and walking trees!
Of sleeping bears and their dreams of Spring, of warmth, of honey of playing!

The small, delicate and shy idea has so much inside! So much!

It/She waits in every dream!
In the falcon's feather, delicate down!
In every stone!
In every sound!
In every rose!
In every song!


Beautiful idea really well performed, really love the clarity and tone of the guitar in the opening really grabs you,
Love the title. And, oh, those low resonant guitar notes hit in a sweet spot. All the instrumentation is a treat. I don't even know what's going on, but it feels good. You guys have a good thing going, what else to say. I wanted to sit with the lyric and really take in each image, so I read it aloud and savored each word
Schön verträumt :) I love the part about bears and their dreams.
it is very pretty music, its a little different from both of you! very dreamy and with a lyric to match! i see a garden with pretty flowers and bees buzzing
i loke the way @mahtowin gives the idea a peronality and a future, and @ttg105 gives that idea the music to grow in, nourished on mahotwin's nurturing vocals. its a magical song about the delicavy of ideas that are seeds germinating everywhere in nature in all things.
Nice harmonium sounds behind the gentle guitar. Vocals are so soothing!