Build Up the Tension

by @hmstreetteam

Build Up the Tension

Liner Notes

After building up the tension so well in “Rocket Ready,” it seemed like a good time to revisit this song title, which had failed previously. Its earlier iteration two weeks ago had given me only a chord progression and half of a chorus. I had thought of it as the first half of the chorus, but you hear it here rewritten as the second half of the chorus, where it fits better. I stripped out the ideas that fit the mood of “Rocket Ready” so I could write something distinct and more narrowly focused. It was the narrow focus that made the lyrics work. In this final form, the lyrics only describe the experience of being the target of an inadvertent remote seduction spell. With the slow tempo, there was no room for anything else. Even this much is probably very mysterious in 54 total words. The tempo of 66 bpm did not feel slow enough, so I slowed it down to 55. This is well outside my tempo comfort zone so that I had to carefully count every measure, but that’s the beauty of having the beat algorithmically generated.
All instrumental notes are provided by the Casio chord feature.
The 44-beat chord progression throughout (excluding the coda) is Bb C Eb F Bb F.


An energy trace
Remote presence
In depth
The power of place
Power of breath

Fire and ice on a mission
Go slow unbearably slow
Let it all go
Build up the tension

A secret to tell
No surrender
Drawn in
A hypnotic spell
Words on paper
Finger on skin

Fire and ice on a mission
Go slow unbearably slow
Let it all go
Build up the tension


Very compelling bass line and locking in with the drums. The vocals sound like a Jerry Garcia-sung tune, but the groove wouldn’t have been played by either of the two drummers or bassist. It coulld have repeated and been twice as long and been great too.
[avatar] definitely draw the listener into a spell here. There's something about the bass and percussion that's beguiling, and then the lyric/vocal finishes the job. Hats off!
There’s something that makes me want to listen to the end, that base line I think, keeps pulling. I am not familiar with casiocore, but it seems like a keyboard programed to repeat the chords. Interesting lyric does just what it should, inhale, hold, hypnotic.