How Proceed?

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#motorik #bass #surrealadelica

"How proceed" was a common term back in telegraph days, when you had to pay for every word. I thought I'd bring it back into the lexicon.


Someone painted my smile on the Mona Lisa
stole my arms, glued them to the Venus de Milo
hung my face off the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

How proceed?

Someone planted a flag in my head
and strung me up on a flagpole
used my nostril as a landing
pad for their helicopter
dyed my hair red and orange
used it as ammo for their flamethrower

Someone's been dumping their trash in my ear
serving me piss and calling it beer

How proceed?

An artist stole my back
and painted it black
placed it back to back
with other backs painted black
and opined, "This signifies
the continuous line
between the Stones, AC/DC
and Winehouse"

How proceed?


a real fav lyric, love it right from the off and that ttg sensibility if thats the word. ah i remember just the shorthand of telegrams
“How proceed?” lol! How clever! Awesome beat! I can dance to that!
Rockin! I love how the somewhat surreal imagery makes a larger point about art and capitalism (I think?)
The melodica makes such a great counterpoint to the chaos guitar and bass-ramblestomp. Good organ insertion after the midpoint to bring it home. All fine to say 'art is theft,' but not everyone gets to steal and get away with it, and some steal without ramification and profit off their pilfer without making the stealee whole. And keep profiting through the industry rigging. You cover all this with humor. Bravo!
You had me at #motorik.
Great lyrics, as usual.
I like the savage rokkin goin on, and then the Melodica sneaks in, like, "Me too!!!".
Love that chorus.
Ah, is that an organ?!?
I'm really loving this one.
i cant get enough of your bass-driven rock and roll. most of your songs i cant imagine bring covered by anyone else, but i can hear captain beefheart running amuck with this one. i like the concept of slicing up human parts to cosmeticize decaying works in art history. my favorite part is your lines in which (i suppose) marxist acdemics paint a series of people's backs blacks to justify a "critical history of popular music" that is absolute bullshit.
I love the lines „Someone's been dumping their trash in my ear
serving me piss and calling it beer“!

And all that words of miss-use or abuse of your attitudes and body parts!

Music is great as always!
Great rocker again!