AC? I​’​m Not a Fan​!​

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Willis Carrier — the inve... (@unpronounceable) Challenge: Descending Chords

Liner Notes

2 challenges here: current skirmish and descending chords.
Skirmish Nadia's way lol. Absolutely true, I dislike air cons. In the hottest day when I go inside and there is air con, I have to wear my cardigan or I feel like being next to the open fridge door! I think there is a bit of humour in my instrumental. Or maybe not? It's for you to decide. Thank you for listening and commenting. Please let me know if you are happy to collaborate with me. What I thought was: the first verse could start with the idea of "Again someone switched you on" and the chorus: "Sorry, AC, I'm not your fan". Opened to suggestions :)

Title was suggested by AI.

#skirmish #acoustic #collaborationswelcome

AC? I’m Not a Fan!' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Fabulous, humourous indeed. I hope someone takes up the challenge and writes some lyrics/melody, fun indeed. I'm currently sitting right under my air con as it's well over 30 degrees lol
There is definitely a music hall feel about this jolly melody. I hope some lyricist runs with it as it deserves it. Some good ideas in the comments.
Y'know - several years ago we worked on a song called Hot, Hot, Hot. I thought about it while listening to this tune. It has a bit of a tango feel, but I also appreciate that you "really don't like AC?" I'm not 100% sure how that all works out for you, but I will say that I can hear the humor here. And I do like the suggestion of "again, someone switched you on" as the start. Perhaps that's all that's needed until the end with the spoken statement "sorry, AC, I'm not your fan." And maybe it's just me, but there's a bit of a play on words in the title. This is truly a fun piece, Nadia.
Love it!! Truly so much great wordplay is possible. I’m not hot for you? You’re not so hot. You think you’re hot stuff. But I give you the cold shoulder because you’re so not cool. Etc.
ha ha great title! sorry nadia couldnt survive in aus without it! nice jaunty feel about this! like i feel on a hot day when i switch it on.
I think there is humor all the way through this, and it makes me smile! Good one!