32 Steps

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#acoustic #octolute #melodica #pilkingtonia #dadgad

This is based on a story Karl Pilkington told on the XFM radio show. From Pilkipedia: "Karl tries to convince Ricky and Steve that a man who had his head chopped off not only continued to live, but walked along a white line for 32 steps before dying." After Ricky says it's impossible, Karl replies, "What do you reckon you can do then without a head?"


I must confess
I'm perplexed
cos I walked 32 steps
without a head

Without a head ...

I crossed the white line
just in time
and then collapsed
and they all clapped:
the one-eyed jailer
the executioner
the judge with the
black cloth on his head

On his head ...

Now I'm dead, without a head
but as I always said,
"I can walk 32 steps
without a head"

Without a head ...


Very dreamy .. floating … the perfect music for an early morning coffee while i‘m watching the birds in the garden.
The lyrics sound like somebody is talking but their surreal dream of last night!
Love the melodica which fits in very harmoniously!
Beautifully played Octolute plus the ice cream Farfisa make a gentle combination!
Enjoyed this very much!
A favorite flic from my younger years was "The Head That Wouldn't Die," a B movie with a wife's head on a table. She was pissed. Her husband went looking for a suitable body to sew on to make her whole again after her car accident.
I like the harmonies here, and then the organ coming in to tie things up after the melodica has it's way. Instrumentation nice and clean. Your voice comes through, even the whispery parts, which keeps the attention.
sounds so pilkington. he could co write with you! almost an execution survivor! distinctly dadgad and ttgd by the melodica.
there are half a dozen creatures that can live without a head...and ive seen chickens run around without them. perhaps in humans, there is a memory in the leg nerves that retains information from the spinal cord that propels a short term of walking after the head is chopped off.
Love the music and the quirkiness of the song. Great production on it too. Good work
Oh no - a beheading! I hate those - lol! But you make it all so entertaining. I cracked up over the “without a head” repetition. Had to detach from my head and not think about it. Ha!