Old Photographs

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

The title says what my music might be about. Please see where it takes you. What does it make you feel? Is it sad? Relaxing? Soothing? Reflective? Is it crying with you? Is it helping you to relax?.. My music is open to collaborations. Please let me know if you are interested. There is a room for other instruments/words/vocals. It could be vocals without words too. As always, thank you for listens and comments.

#instrumental #nostalgic #collaborationswelcome

Old Photographs' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


this music, listening to it at 6am, helps me to wake up in with a calm attitude. the composition has a soothing logic that i can follow in relative tranquility. and its final minute offers a lift that motivates me to address my morning routine with optimistic determination
very reflective opening of a great titled piece . it settles more into a feel of - well thats how it is.
I think this goes through several emotions. At the start, "reflective" is what I'm feeling, tinged by a bit of... regret?... for missed opportunities. Starting at 0:42, there's a bit of uplift, a bit of fond reminiscence, but then the happiness fades and the regret starts creeping back in at 1:45, alternating for most of the rest of the song, sometimes intermingling, never really settling or necessarily resolving. It's quite the emotional journey!