I'm In love

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

Ok, ok, let's get this out of the way, I'm not a very good singer, but that is not the point here.

November 2021, I start to properly learn the piano
February 2022, I take part in my first ever FAWM
The bug bit
July 2024, out of the blue I start writing words that resemble lyrics

I have always wanted to learn how to put words to music, and what you are witnessing here is me learning how to do that in the safest place I know, FAWM/5090 😊

I know it is very raw, I haven't yet learned how to make the best of my voice, such that it is, and it has proven very difficult to get it into the mix correctly. The backing is mainly just the same looped all the way through, my mind was blown enough already!

Used to make this track:
My voice!! (and a Shure PGA48 microphone)

#pop #ivegoneandrecordedmyownvoice #omg

*hovers for a long time over the "submit" button*


That smile is aimed at me
That smile is aimed at me
That smile is aimed at me
And it completely made my day

I think she smiled at me
I think she smiled at me
I think she smiled at me
I thought ,omg, no way!

So should I buy her a drink
So should I buy her a drink
So should I buy her a drink
No wait, did I just see her wink?

My heart is missing a beat
My heart is missing a beat
My heart is missing a beat
But she would make my life complete

I’m in love, I’m in love with a stranger
There’s a super strong spark between us
Oh but it feels like danger
A stranger, a stranger it feels like danger

Should we get up and dance
Should we get up and dance
Should we get up and dance
Is there a fatal attraction

I’m burning up inside
I’m burning up inside
I’m burning up inside
I’m gonna need a distraction

I’m in love, I’m in love with a stranger
There’s a super strong spark between us
Oh but it feels like danger
A stranger, a stranger it feels like danger


Good for you for taking the various risks and submitting the song! It's so cool that we don't really need a lot of words to make a song - you're definitely giving enough details to start a story and set a mood. I end up doing a lot of looping on some songs, like you, because *mind blown* and I don't have energy for more complicated stuff. But I think the point is to get the general idea of the song across. Bravo.
Also, I think your voice is fine - keep singing!
great drums on the intro.. The repeated lines are catchy and funny...whooo! Keep up the singing (I can't) so i applaud your spirit to forge ahead...this was a fun listen !
And it's not because of the title, but you kinda seemed to be channeling Robert Smith (The Cure) here. From a technical observation, I think your vocals are just a bit brighter/louder than the overall mix, but it doesn't detract from it and I certainly would like to be yet one more who encourages you to do more vocals. Just go for it, my friend. I like the arrangement and it sounds like the potential of what could be is actually fun and exciting. Hope that makes sense. Good work here.
Yes. That is a tough step to take. I've only recorded my own singing voice a handful of times... and I hate it lol. I wish I had some advice on vocal mixing, but I'm pretty novice at it myself. My only suggestion would be really subtle delay may help it sit in the mix better. But your voice sounds good, and the recording sounds good too. I like the doubling effect you did on the chorus. Very fun and uplifting lyrics, keep it up Carl!
Love the repetition - certainly a good way to make it catchy. I can imagine this with a speedy thrashy indie guitar sound.
Folks jumping down my throat over saying I’m a bad singer…so I’m returning the favor. You sound good homie! Lyrics are well written. Just keep sounding confident in your delivery as you have here and you’ll be aces! This a bop!
The lyrics start so positive and optimistic, but I also think from the start there's a bit of feeling of disquiet, of meance, and that was borne out soon enough as the lyrics progressed, with their references to "danger" and "fatal attraction." There's an almost manic quality, at least to my ears, that gives this a very appealing edge, and the intense, almost passionate vocals really sell that quality. Nicely gritty!