to the stars / an die Sterne

by @mahtowin

Liner Notes

well ... I started with one bass line and then added 3 more.

Lyrics came out of the music and as a resonance from a conversation with @wearedinosaurs yesterday ...
While I was singing I had the picture of me sitting in a desert by a fire and singing to the stars.....

all a bit special - but this song is so typical me!

mixed for headphones!

#stars #bass #experimental


an die sterne!

Schwarz. Nacht. Blau.

Violett am Himmel!

Sterne - für euch ist dieses Lied!
Ihr uralten Lichter!
Ganz tief unten finde ich euch!
Ihr schimmert und tanzt euren Tanz!
So alt wie das erste Licht!
Versteinerte Zeit - ich halte euch in meiner Hand.
Versteinerte Liebe!
to the stars!

Black. Night. Blue.

Violet in the sky!

Stars - this song is for you!
You ancient lights!
I find you deep down!
You shimmer and do your dance!
As old as the first light!
Petrified time - I hold you in my hand.
Petrified love!


ha i did the star singing in the desert recently - its very inspiring! the instrumentation is tasteful and full! this s like a painting - you can come back and find new bits each time
Ooo. The bass lines blend wonderfully, and I am a sucker for well-layered bass/drums. What a cool layering of the vocals, too. Knowing the repeated lines are colors is a nice touch. It does feel like something you'd perform around a bonfire under the stars, I agree. You're so good at rhythmic songs that hang around in your mind!
This has a solid groove that lulls you in, really nice percussion and bass and the vocal layers surround to give this some unique space.
I enjoy your four basses concept, and it's so nicely performed! Haunting vocals, compelling harmonies; with the percussion, I'm getting a Dead Can Dance feel.
The lyrics are quite mysterious, so the track is perfect to support them. I love your simple description of the night through colors, quite evocative.
Excellent work!
A dive down the deep cavern to the past, a revel in firelight and starlight and heartlight. I like the idea that time could stop and then you could hold it in your hand. The percussion track is perfect, and the guitar clanging sounds like someone outside the cave banging to get in.
I really like your style. This is another cool bass and percussion piece with your ever-so-cool vocals over the top. Sounds great!
The nature-centric lyrics are very you ,,, I particularly like "Petrified time - I hold you in my hand" and "petrified light." Really cool exotic sound overall, with the three basses coming together with the drum to create an eerie night-time world. Could be a pagan chant around a fire! And, as always, your vocals swim around in my headphones like shimmering silver fishes.