The Bee

by @ttg105


Liner Notes

#loud #bass

I was going to use different lyrics, but the lead bass (no guitars here!) sounded so much like a buzzing bee that I had to write new ones.


The bee sharpens its stinger
and says, "This'll teach ya
cos I'm buzzing like a buzzer
and stinging like a motherfucker"

Anaphylactic shock
is my stock
in trade
so don't ya stray
into my honey comb

It's a yellow and black attack
Jack, so stay the fuck back
from my Queen Bee cos she needs
a bodyguard like me

(Loyalty? I don't know why I'm so loyal to her. Instinct, I presume, and one cannot argue with that. Now I'm going to sting the fuck out of you.)

Buzzing like a buzzer
stinging like a motherfucker


Bees are nice.
They wouldn't hurt you.
Wasps, on the other hand, those guys will fuck you up just for fun.
Love the "all bass all the time" approach here.
And of course that guitar solo is aces.
So much propulsive energy here; I can imagine the moshpit.
Yeah, so good.
just be clear i got stung by a bee on Monday! and that last line is so true, but i still like this! that bass is badass buzzing
Not often you get a song with the perspective of a worker bee, whose main job is to protect his queen, stinger ready to attack, no worries about defense, a total testosterone tornado. Instrumentation, chaos guitar, everything lined up to make the point. Great.
Wow, that *is* a swell "guitar sound--great use of lead bass. Your vocals here have an almost 50s roackabilly flavor too. It's all full of attitude and swagger--I can see a street tough singing this song in an alternate (and hipper) version of West Side Story (the bees vs. the hornets, perhaps?)!
this is a fucking cool song about the love for a bee!
love the fucking lyrics hard! And - of course - the two (?) basses plus chaos guitar.
Great fuckin fun!
Well, that beat got me right away!! Woo! Too funny about the bass sounding like a buzzing bee. Your vocals sound like you're having fun twisting words around.