Sea of Love

by @brisk

Liner Notes

Bit rough and ready, but I did this one quickly today. Probably my least evasive or try-hard lyric so far. Not sure if that's good or bad. I just like the feel of this one.

#personwithpianoroll #lovesong


Wish I was somebody else
If I was somebody else
I'd try to be someone else
Wish I was somebody else
Wish I was somebody

That ship has sailed
Has sailed the ocean blue
That ship has sailed
Upon the seas of love
and loving you

Wish I was somebody new
Wish I did not but I do
Wish I was somebody new
Wish I was somebody

That ship has sailed
Has sailed the ocean blue
That ship has sailed
Upon the seas of love
and loving you
on the love of you

There's still wind in this sail


Fabulous melodic wrangling on the ‘upon the seas of love and loving you’ bit, really pretty that. The repetition on the verses is very effective. And a fade out too - you’re spoiling us!
ah yes always wanting the unatainable. like the piano base here. very catchy.
very soothing tune, your voice has Kevin Parker meets Fleet Foxes quality. I started thinking about 10CC meets Dennis Wilson solo work when listening to this song, not that it really resembles either of them, but the mind is a peculiar thing…pulling out the weirdest drawers.