Samurai Cowboys

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

I commented on a song by @arcane and someone else had said that their track sounded like "Samurai Cowboys". I said that sounded like a great name for a track and so here it is! The main rule, it had to have Taiko drums.

Yet again I find myself having to learn some very different sounds and it turns out the Guzheng is quite hard to play! Used a few different sounds in there to try and make it sound unusual, hope it works.

EDIT: I've just realised why the Guzheng was so hard, I had it set to play in the 'Akebono Scale', a scale used in Japanese music....I really struggled to get a sound I liked, then I struggled to play along to what I've created. I guess I've just learned a new scale πŸ˜†

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
A couple of different NI and Massive X Taiko sounds layered together
NI East Asia Guzheng
NI Electric Sunburst Deluxe
BBCSO Horns and Cello
Jade Ethnic Orchestra Xiao Flute
Skanner XT pad sound
Fantom pad sound

#samuraicowboy #ethnic #asia


Cool Sounds.
The Intro had bit of a Dark Sound then the Percussive Asian Sounding tones come in along with some Very Nice String Swells.
I enjoyed the Ride!
I really dig it! Sick title, cowpoke san! Sounds like you got that scale working for ya! I occasionally do some β€œkoto” stuff on my guitar by jamming a slide under the strings on the fret board but it does not sound as legit as this.
This is mesmerising! Wherever I went during my listen, I could do with being there a few more hours! Very cinematic, beautiful layering of sounds. I really enjoyed it 😊
Haha, you did it! That's great!
Well, that's an amazing piece. This scale is quite intriguing, and your sounds, wow... I really like what I'm hearing, everything. Your Samurai cowboys are on their way to an epic adventure, that's for sure, but right now is only the beginning, and we have to get to know them. Wondering how many there are, haha. Proof that your track is very cinematic, and speaks to the imagination.
Fantastic work!
You captured the title perfectly. Sounds as advertised! Love the Asian sounds, particularly the flute. The beating war drum throughout really conveys the cowboy aspect to me