When You Come to My House

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Come to my house (@cartoonboyfriend)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I sleep
#Ηουδε #o————o


When you come to my house
Don’t go through the left door
That goes too basement four
Don’t leave your jacket in the hall
If you wish to wear it in the rain

Don’t offer yourself a drink
And let me do it for you
The refrigerator’s like a walk-in closet
Look for what you want and if you’ve got it
Better get back out in time before the door closes

If you need to use the restroom
Please make sure you’ve got someone along
Cause they’ll try to take the belt out if your pants
And they’ll try to splash water in your face
They’ll be gone before you get away

When you come to my house
Don’t go through the left door
That goes too basement four
Don’t leave your jacket in the hall
If you wish to wear it in the pain

We don’t talk about the attic here
There was a ladder but we made it disappear
I know you must be disappointed
But I know if you think you saw something
I wouldn’t see it where you pointed

If you see any doors with red tape
“Keep out” signs and an 8 sided polygonal shape
Don’t bother knocking, we won’t lend you a key
You wouldn’t think we put it up for fun
So when you leave be sure to ask for sun

When you come to my house
Don’t go through the left door
That goes too basement four
Don’t leave your jacket in the hall
If you wish to wear it in the strain


This is quirky in a delightfully kind of creepy way as the rules and threats escalate in an insidious way…. I keep thinking something bad is going to happen.
I love the lines in particular "But I know if you think you saw something/ I wouldn't see it where you pointed." It's *quite* precise and also...funny!
come to my house: there's rules! Love it. Feel like something or somebody is going to jump out any minute and scare me off into infiniti. Love the creative juices you 've got flowing here.
This is very dream-like, or perhaps like the theme of an odd cult sci-fi movie. Why is there a basement Four? Polygon doors and wearing clothes for the pain...something weird is going on!