It's Never Crossed Our Minds

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Finding Hope in Unexpect... (@cbmagic)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Right now, I’m at a place where I have an internet connection to do this while expecting to be without it for days, is it unexpected? yes, is it hope?


Bubbles waiting to bubble up
Next one in line, come get your order
Move along please, don’t be a bother
One thousand faceless heads are waiting for something
For something

Things hurt more when you have expectations
If you expect to get something for your labour
Some do, some don’t, but we all a chance
You can’t be a winner if there aren’t any losers
We aren’t losers

While hope is based on nothing
Nothing is still something
Cause it is still a thought
You can’t await a thing that’s never crossed your mind
It’s never crossed our minds


I live the perspectives you bring to this, especially the lines about the winners and losers. And nothing is still something.
good lyric , thought provoking and inovative