Me and My Cold Comfort (Taffy)

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Me and My Cold Comfort (Taffy)” - #fawm 50/90 2024 original song 22

This week, I’m participating in @sarahspencermusic ‘s #songfancy #5in5songchallenge to write 5 songs in 5 days. I finished this song for Day 1 (yesterday) last night, and though it needs revision, it’s set enough to share a draft today before I finish Day 2’s song.

For this one we had a word bank (I used all the words but will drop some in revision) and a suggested chord progression (I transposed the key and left off the final chord). I like where it’s going. But I realized I don’t really like word bank prompts because 1) I feel internal pressure to fit them all in and 2)when 20 people write with the same words I find the results can feel too on the nose — I like my lyrics to be stand out. 😂 It’s still a good challenge.

Unfortunately, someone picked just now to do the dishes in the background, but what can you do?

Word bank: Pastel Charm Gum Patchwork “Hi” Taffy Pop Pull Soul Concoction

Oh, wait. Maybe I forgot to use “gum.”

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke


Pastel mornings, folding that old patchwork quilt
Somebody’s mother made
Evenings under it, with popcorn on the couch
While the movie plays
I tried to charm the bloom back on our rose
You wouldn’t hold my hand long anymore

Couldn’t pull the taffy, chewed
Into its twisted paper tube
Every day said hi” to how you’re leaving me
Backing out the driveway, disappearing down the road
So it’s just me — and my cold comfort here,
Thinking ‘bout my soul
…How it felt when it was whole

I guess somebody shook the weird concoction that
We’d fashioned into life
Our finely layered drink now colors I don’t know
Muddy — but I didn’t lie
I lost my hearing with a pop (my fever’s hot)
You changed the atmosphere, stuffed clouds on top


Seems late to me,
Like time we thought was infinite ran out
Mama said ain’t much is fair,
Don’t always know just what’s your final Bow



Very thoughtful text! I particularly like the beginning: the little story about the patchwork blanket that someone's mother made (that would also be a nice text idea).

I found it funny watching you try not to laugh as the dishes were being put away in the background!
During my time here on FAWM I heard dogs, cats, washing machines, tumble dryers, drills and vacuum cleaners in recordings and I think that's what gives these recordings a special charm. Although it can certainly be annoying.
I'm in a lyric rut right now, and I'm envious of you! (You always have great lyrics!)
Beautifully sad and touching song, and that last verse really speaks to me.
So good! It's great to see that you're doing another songwriting challenge, too. It definitely helps keep us busy doing what we love: making and sharing music 😁
Once again, stellar work! I love the longing nostalgia in the lyrics, the wholesome, homey imagery, and as always, the progression and your vocal delivery!