Many Waltzes Ago

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

Music and dance are magical. They can help our memories, returning to the times we had with our dear ones. Please treasure every minute you have with your family and your true friends. These times are priceless.

Thank you for listening to my nostalgic piano piece. Please let me know what you think and whether you are interested in collaborating on a song version. I have my piano track saved separately, the keyboard added in a "strings" setting to give an idea of the vocal melody.

#nostalgic #retro #classical #instrumental #waltz #collaborationswelcome

'Many Waltzes Ago' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Lovely and bittersweet. The strings melody is ghostly and wonderful. And the title is just right. Great to hear you again!
This one is so peppy and light on its feet! There's a sense of whimsy, of the joy of dancing and letting go, that's completely infectious!
I love this. A poignant dance down memory lane. I can imagine this as a theme to a series or similar.
I still think it's "cheating" to do a waltz--there just seems to be no such thing as a "bad" waltz. Certainly this one is lovely. Another great one, Nadia! ❤️
Lovely piece.