I Know How to Wait

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



Early in the morning soon as it gets light
Just before the dawning. Nothing seems quite right
Sources of frustration Bound to irritate
Don’t mind the duration I know how to wait

In the noonday sunshine sun is overhead
I’m still on the frontline be here when I’m dead
I’ll be here forever I won’t hesitate
Although I’m not clever I know how to wait

Late into the evening What might be in store
Seems to be no reasoning what I’m waiting for
But I will continue I anticipate
Straining every sinew I know how to wait

Changes of the seasons Winter turns to spring
Maybe there are reasons for most everything
I will make atonement I will set things straight
If there’s a postponement I know how to wait


Some fine lines here, especially in that final verse.
This song has more power because we are NOT told what the narrator is waiting for. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

PS If your narrator's name is Vladimir or Estragon, I'm sorry to tell them this, but Godot isn't coming! 😉
Love to get up at first light but can’t say I know how to wait - lol! Fun song!