in the spring (memento mori)

by @nahlej381


Liner Notes

#indie #fuzz #telecaster #cassette #onehour #death #mementomori

been a while since i was in an analog...guitar bass drums kind of mood...i'ma run with it...the thing is i've been listening to a lot of Ass Ponys, dinosaur jr. and Pavement's been pretty cool. made me wanna do some fuzzy guitar stuff...gave myself an hour to write and record it so a lot of it is 1st take (especially the vox which are especially rough in this one)

it's another playful death song. also been watching a lot of horror movies so i'm channeling a lot of weird energy rn.


When it’s time to go it’s time to go
no brainer
Day dreams
Screen saver
Life raft
Moderate my moderation
While my faith waivers
Soul savers
Slave traders
Hard reset
Can’t redeem the dream team
By you can place a bet
Russian roulette
And a virgin pack of cigarettes
1st 2nd and 3rd guess myself
Call the cops cuz I can’t arrest myself
suspicious and iffy or 5150?
Who’s to say?

I been thinking how the bottom of the ocean
seems like the perfect place to be
I’ve thought the same thing about the cemetery
around the corner in the spring

When it’s time to go it’s time to go
Glass in my feet
Splinters in my eyelids
Scars on my flesh
Reflect the stains on my soul
And how my black dreams may be a deep hole
without any sound or any people around
especially bureaucrats and ass hats
I’d walk into toxic gas without a mask
breathe deep and end it fast and take a nap
I don’t wanna die but I’d kill to get some sleep
40 winks catchin Zs for eternity
With no dreams that sounds like a dream

I been thinking how the bottom of the ocean
seems like the perfect place to be
I’ve thought the same thing about the cemetery
around the corner in the spring


Oooooh a vibe reminiscent of such great bands, indeed! So good!!! Your guitars are awesome; those riffs are going to remain stuck in my head for a while. And your vocals are exquisite!
First time I hear that facet of yours, and I love love it.
I was once an indie/shoegaze musician, therefore hearing stuff like that always makes my day. Thanks.
That opening build 🔥 and then the guitar work throughout is exemplary. Amazing lines too, you absolutely nail the playful death/horror themes you mention in the liner, although just to be clear - be kind to yourself dude ❤️. Also, the fact you did this in an hour has kinda blown my mind. You. Are. The. Man.
i know 2 of those and can see the influence. i love
i dont wanna die but id kill to get some sleep. this is too cool!
(deleted) All I can do is golf clap at those last comments. After another night not sleeping and a day of washing stranger’s windows, the thorough and apt analysis…analyses..? Anal sex….you left on my page was a joy to read. You get me. Me and Travis are working up some beats for you, you handsome fella, you! Not that you need em. Frfr, you’re sounding so damn good this summer in every genre I’ve heard you touch so far. Respect!
Ha, that's the happiest memento mori ever. I guess I could try to go deep for some analysis, but I just want to express my appreciation instead. There's a real sense of joy here. Yeah, when it's time it's time!
Almost a reggae twang to it at times, lovely gritty distortion on the guitar..."bureaucrats and ass hats" oh yeah, way too many of them! Really interesting reading your lyrics, cos I'm just starting out on that road, seeing how others do it is really instructional.